Belle and Sebastian (Belle & Sebastian?) is an indie-pop group from Glasgow. After a four year hiatus the band reunited and put out Write About Love in 2010. Now, about three years later they released Third Eye Centre, a compilation of singles, bonus tracks, and B-sides released since their last compilation of singles, bonus tracks and B-sides Push the Barman to Open Old Wounds.
When you first get the album, it's impossible to ignore the case. The art work is typical of Belle and Sebastian--still doing the weird monochromatic photograph thing--but the actual case is a hardback book cover (appropriate since there are songs from the Books EP, but I think I just delight in minutiae). Anyways, the album insert has, instead of lyrics, little stories about the songs.
Some of these tracks might be familiar if you're an inconsistently obsessive fan boy like me (meaning I tracked down most their singles once, but I still don't own two of their albums because I don't have any money). The Avalanches reworked "I'm a Cuckoo" for a single in 2004 leads the album with a Sudanese choir in the background, along with bongos and a triangle (possibly a cowbell, but I have no proof). There is a lead flute that hangs just behind Murdoch's vocals, twisting the melody to a catchy riff (jazz flute is for little fairy boys).
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Figure 1.1-A picture of the album, a stack of CD's I have to
to review, aftershave, and a painting left by the previous
occupants of my house. |
Some of these tracks might be familiar if you're an inconsistently obsessive fan boy like me (meaning I tracked down most their singles once, but I still don't own two of their albums because I don't have any money). The Avalanches reworked "I'm a Cuckoo" for a single in 2004 leads the album with a Sudanese choir in the background, along with bongos and a triangle (possibly a cowbell, but I have no proof). There is a lead flute that hangs just behind Murdoch's vocals, twisting the melody to a catchy riff (jazz flute is for little fairy boys).
While we're talking about remixes, we have to address the remix of "You're Cover's Blown," which I prefer to the original. By giving the song a strong kick drum on all four beats and emphasizing the synthesizer and keyboard riffs, Miaoux Miaoux makes this into dance music for people having a terrible time while they dance. As I say that I realize this is probably the least appealing song to listen to while you dance--especially if you're trying to actually have fun--but it's still a remix that works.
Richard X also remixes "I Didn't See It Coming," which is probably my least favorite of all the remixes. For some reason it reminds me of a less edgy version of the remix of "Escape From the City" that was in Sonic generations.
It's easy to see that some of these tracks wouldn't have fit on their intended album (specifically "The Life Pursuit," which was removed from the album The Life Pursuit), but the tracks are all strong enough to justify releasing them on this compilation. "Suicide Girls" tells the story (from the dude's perspective) of a girl who asks her friend to take her picture for the site Suicide Girls (no, I will not post a link). Sure this guy's a little possessive of a girl he's never actually explained his feelings to, but it's so catchy--and 80s, very, very 80's with it's synths and chorus pedals.
The one thing this album really lacks is flow--I know it's a compilation of previous recordings, but go with me on this. There are times where songs go from one to the next very well, from "Your Secrets" to "Heaven in the Afternoon" things go pretty smoothly. But after that there is a rough jump from "Eighth Station of the Cross Kebab House" to the Richard X remix of "I Didn't See It Coming." There are some sections grouped together by what single they were on (the "White Collar Boy" single and "I'm a Cuckoo" single), but the rest are scattered. It seems like there are these chunks whiwhere things all come from the same era, followed by sections that mix together better. It seems like they really tried to create coherence, but I think they just didn't quite get there.
It's not a new recording, but it is nice to have these songs collected. I'd put it at a B or a B-minus (8/10: is that a B-minus because my teacher says C+). That's another album down. If you listened to it, how did you feel? Was this review good for anything? Did you print it out to use as toilet paper (why would you do that)? What should I review next?
Hint: I'm reviewing a Pity Sex album so get ready for that--or give me an alternative if you want to hear my opinion (for some reason). Leave it all in the comments friends, thanks for reading.